Hallmark Homecare Continues Growth with its Disruptor Business Model
Business ownership can be a route to gain financial independence and freedom from Corporate America. This motivation brought Kevin and Jessica Darczuk to explore franchising with Hallmark Homecare. They have added another territory to the scope of their new business in the Milwaukee, WI market.
“The experience of the leadership team and the business model made this franchise the perfect fit for me out of the five I explored. The weekly Zoom calls enabled us to ask questions and learn about Hallmark from owners and the full leadership team. These calls gave us an opportunity to hear questions from other candidates too, and think more broadly as potential franchisees during the discovery process.”
-Jessica Darczuk
Jessica was seeking a career shift to business ownership after a 14-year track record of success in product and sales management, strategic portfolio planning, and talent management of educational products at leading publishers. She says that her parents had care needs beginning in her adolescence that shaped her life. Because of her experience giving and seeing others provide her loved ones with care, she brings compassion and an intrinsic desire to grow Hallmark Homecare’s presence in the Badger state. Jessica will be working full-time at their Hallmark launch, while Kevin will maintain his role as a lighting design engineer for Harley-Davidson.
Hallmark Homecare is unlike the traditional homecare model because it’s a referral agency for caregiver recruitment and client matchmaking (the e-harmony of homecare). Clients save money, receive better care, and have more control. Caregivers earn higher wages and enjoy a better work arrangement. Franchisees enjoy a simple model, earn handsome profits and make a difference in the lives of others. The low investment model has a fast ramp up, is scalable, and provides recurring revenue. Hallmark Homecare is the only homecare referral agency in franchising.
The Hallmark Homecare franchise can be successful for owner/operators as well as the right candidate for an executive model operation. There is plenty of open territory in all major markets. Please send all leads and territory checks to hallmarkleads@franchisefastlane.com.
Congratulations Teresa Wade and Tommy Ryan of Franchise FastLane.
Teresa Wade, MBA
Director of Franchise Development – Hallmark Homecare
Franchise FastLane
15934 Frances St. Ste 105
Omaha, NE 88130
Office: 402.360.9595
Please reach out to participate in our next Confirmation Day.
Please send all leads and territory checks to hallmarkleads@franchisefastlane.com.