Hire an Independent Caregiver to Provide Personalized Senior Care in St. Lucie & Indian River Counties, FL
Our Recruiters & Matchmakers connect seniors with independent caregivers at affordable rates.

I Need A Caregiver
We’ll find you independent caregivers matching your needs.

I Am A Caregiver
Please share your experience
as an independent caregiver.
Meet Your Local Office:
St. Lucie & Indian River Counties, FL Office
Fellsmere (32948), Sebastian (32958), Vero Beach (32960, 32962, 32963, 32966, 32967, 32968), Fort Pierce (34945, 34946, 34947, 34949, 34951).

Felicia Neeley

Contact Us
Begin the process of hiring independent contractors by getting in touch with us. Our Associates are ready to help!

Client Interview
We interview you to learn more about you or your loved one's care needs. This results in your comprehensive Ideal Caregiver Profile.

Caregiver Interview
Using your Ideal Caregiver Profile, we conduct a search and vet caregivers to determine your best matches. We connect you with these caregivers to meet and interview.

Select & Hire
You decide which independent caregivers are the best matches for you. You then select and hire caregiver(s) of your choice.
What About Safety?
Criminal Background Check
Hallmark Homecare conducts a Level 2 FDLE Fingerprinting background screening on every caregiver we place. This involves a national fingerprint-based check, a comprehensive Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) and FBI checks. The FDLE describes a level 2 background check as a fingerprint-based background check that should be conducted on employees holding positions of trust and responsibility.
Employment History & Verification
Our background check verifies that each independent caregiver we place has the legal right to work as well as a verifying their references and employment history.
We make sure that all independent caregivers we place have extensive experience.
I am grateful to have made the connection with Hallmark Homecare. Hallmark has matched me with a quality independent caregiver to provide services for my mother at an affordable price. My mother loves her caregiver, Liza, and I have new peace of mind.”
-Jim B
The caregiver that Hallmark Homecare matched us with is dedicated to taking care of my husband, and this has allowed me to continue to my work in our family business. Our caregiver has enabled us to stay together in our home where we both want to be.”
- Carol C
Hallmark Homecare provided excellent caregiver matches for my husband. I was very pleased with their liaison services. I would definitely recommend them to any of my friends who are in need of in-home caregivers for their loved ones.”
– Margaret C.
Independent Caregiver Opportunities
Are you a caring and dependable independent caregiver wanting to make a real difference in the lives of seniors and their families?
Are you interested in making a substantially better wage as you deliver this vital service that you’ve been called to do?
Do you have the following experience?
- At least 2 years of experience
- Legal ability to work (Proof of legal residency, green card, social security card, picture ID, etc.)
- FBI Level 2 background check
- Positive references that can be verified
- Reliable transportation and a clean driving record
If you are a caregiver for the elderly with these qualifications, we would love the opportunity to advance your career by placing you with a client.
Services provided:
- Meal preparation
- Light cleaning
- Laundry
- Transportation
- Household chores

I Am A Caregiver
Please share your experience
as a care provider.